Learning to become a licensed mental health counselor means you could make an impact on hundreds of lives. This video explores what to expect from one type of mental health first aid course. If you answer yes to the below questions, it could mean it’s the right path for you.
You want to help others: If you have experienced mental health problems yourself, you may feel the urge to help others in that position.
Courses teach you how to react and respond to someone having a mental health concern or even a crisis. The best courses are made with the input of those who have experienced mental health illness, so they come from a highly informed place of support.
You’re ready to learn about multiple mental health conditions: Depression, psychosis, anxiety, and substance dependence need to be handled in different ways. You’ll need to learn the differences and how to respond to each. If you can handle that, learning to be a licensed mental health counselor could be right for you.
You have an encouraging mindset: Much of mental health first aid is evaluating someone’s condition and encouraging them to get further help where necessary. People who actively encourage others and provide a supportive environment make ideal counselors. With the right mental health first course, you can help make a real difference in people’s lives.
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