Breaking down the world into working parts isn’t as hard as it looks. Not when you have today’s best lidar services and photogrammetry on your side.
Complex construction projects can have their process pinpointed down to the last brick. Crumbling dams can be analyzed quickly with the press of a button. When the world is just a touch too complicated, simplify it with the aid of aerial lidar and digital imaging services. Lidar technology companies are the foundation that keep the United States working smoothly, even when the odds are against them. From weak bridges to old dams, it’s all in a day’s work for lidar surveying.
What should you know before talking to a lidar detection professional? Look below to get a better overview on what this service can offer.
Assessing America’s Aging Sewer Systems
A common reason lidar services are called to action are aging sewer systems. These are responsible for providing us with waste removal and clean water, which means bad news when just one fails. Recent data suggests that, by 2020, half of the assets in wastewater facilities may be beyond the midpoint of their useful lives. Every major American container port is also projected to be handling double the volume it was designed for. When America’s aging sewer systems spill an estimated one trillion gallons of untreated sewage every year, action needs to be taken now.
Improving The Backlog Of Damaged Roads
It’s not just sewer systems lidar technology can help. America’s roads are also going through some difficulty, partially caused by an overload of traffic. More than half of America’s interstate miles are at 70% traffic capacity, with nearly 25% of the miles strained at 95% capacity. One estimate has found one-third of the major roads are in either poor or mediocre condition. Damage to roads takes the form of potholes, cracks, and outright degradation.
Rebuilding Today’s Old, Struggling Bridges
A road that’s bumpy and cracked can still be driven on (albeit carefully). A bridge that’s damaged, however, can risk collapsing entirely. More than 25% of the bridges in the United States need significant repairs or are handling more traffic than they were designed for. Lidar technology allows professionals to assess the damage on a deeper level. They can even spot small problems before they spiral out of control, a vital element to save lives.
Future Projections For American Infrastructure
American buildings, dams, and roads are going through a major overhaul. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (or the EPA) estimates drinking water utilities will have to invest in $335 billion over the next few decades to address infrastructure needs. The average lidar technology company has its hands full analyzing and studying the environment around them. With the advent of photogrammetry, typical workloads have been cut in half. You can speed along that next construction project of yours with just one visit to your lidar surveying professional.
Using Lidar Surveying And Photogrammetry
From lidar surveying in Panama to a photogrammetry excursion in Southern California, you can find this technology everywhere. This fascinating form of technology is the process in which two or more dimensional images are translated into three dimensional images. These models are then used to provide a fuller analysis of the problem at hand, saving time and money. Your local lidar services will be able to break down your next problem into working parts, no matter how complex. You might even learn something new.
What is lidar technology? It’s the way of the future.
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