March 28, 2025

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8 Essential Table Setup Accessories that You Should Buy With Your Table Linen

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Table linens are an integral part of your wedding event, and they play both aesthetic and functional roles. The table linen, table runners, overlays, placemats, napkins, and table weights protect your furniture and guests from spills and stains of beverages and food. They also decorate and give accent to your wedding’s theme and contribute to the glamour that adorns your big day.

Besides having good table linen for your event, you’ll need to make neat and well laid out table linen arrangements to get the fantastic look that you desire for your event. Creating a proper table linen arrangement requires different types of accessories.

This article presents to you the primary table arrangement accessories that you should have alongside your table linen.

1. Tablecloth clips

Have you ever tried setting the table outdoors on a windy day? Then you already know the challenge that table linen presents on a windy day. Securing table linen and skirting to the tables is a big challenge. To secure your table cloth and hold it down for a tight and crisp display, you’ll need table clips designed for outdoor events.

These table clips are easy to snap on and off. They prevent your linen from getting blown away by the wind. Using clips is a better approach than stapling. Stapling your table linen to the table often damages the fabric when you disassemble your arrangement after the event.

2. Table weights

Does the strong summer breeze drive you crazy when it blows and messes up your wedding banquet tables? Strong outdoor winds can flip up your table linen corners and land them in plates or food bowls. To end this problem, you can use table weights to prevent the tablecloth from whipping around in the strong wind.

You can make table weights from heavy materials such as metal pieces or smooth rocks. You can wrap these pieces of materials in beautiful fabrics and strings or ropes. You can then suspended them by clips to the tablecloth ends to give it a downward pull. The weight of these accessories prevents the tablecloth edges from flipping around.

3. Table runners

Table runners are narrow pieces of fabric that run along the middle length of the table. They are often laid on top of your table linen to protect it from stains. They’re made from easy to clean materials, and they’re functional and decorative. You can also use table runners to define table seating arrangements and give accent to your wedding theme.

4. Placemats

Placemats are pads or coverings meant to mark individual table place settings for guests. Placemats can be decorative or functional. They beautify and protect the table cloth against heat damage or stains. You can also design your wedding placemats with unique personal messages about your wedding.

5. Table skirt hangers

A table skirt hanger is a metallic hanger used in the transportation and storage of your table linen. The hangers protect your linen and ensure that it’s wrinkle-free.

6. Table level wedges

Has a wobbly table ever ruined your guests’ experience at a wedding? Or have you had to stick pieces of napkins under your table legs to stabilize it? Table level wedges are pieces of sturdy material made from non-skidding material. They’re used to prevent your table and wine glasses from tipping over. You can put these wedge-shaped pieces under your table legs to improve the table’s stability.

7. Overlays

Overlays are toppers, which you can use to protect your tablecloth. Like table runners, you can lay overlay fabrics on top of your table linen to protect it and add some accent.

8. Table skirting

Table skirting is part of your table linen, and it consists of fabrics attached around the sides of your table. The skirting conceals the legs of your table and anything underneath the tables.

An average of 44, 230 wedding events occur each weekend, and each of them requires some form of table arrangements for the wedding event. If you’re to plan a wedding event or go into the events’ business industry, then you need table linen and all the accessories mentioned above to set up a perfect table arrangement.