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Essential Factors to Consider Before Hiring a Dental Associate

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Hiring an associate is one of the most important career decisions you’ll ever make. This is because a dental associate is not only a person who’ll be working with you and your patients but a professional who’ll likely work with you throughout your practice. It’s, therefore, not something you should take lightly as it’ll impact both your working environment as well as the growth of your practice. However, while a dental associate will greatly benefit your practice, note that they are also an investment that will require both your time and resources. So before you browse Henry Schein Jobs in search of a qualified candidate, make sure you need one.

Why it’s Vital to Assess Whether You Need a Dental Associate

A dental associate will greatly reduce your workload. They will improve efficiency, enabling you to handle more clients, and consequently lead to growth. While these are some great advantages, hiring an associate when you don’t need one could actually lead to more problems than benefits. Therefore, before you hire an associate, you came across at a dental personnel placement company, make sure you need one. That said, here is a roundup of some essential factors you should consider prior to hiring one

Consider Whether You Have Enough Patients

When you bring an associate on-board, you want them to help out, but again, you don’t want to remain entirely idle. Thereby, before you review Henry Schein jobs candidates, make sure you have enough new patients and recall patients to keep the two of you busy. If you just started your practice, make sure you have a high enough number of new patients. According to the ADA, a dental practice should have at least 10 to 25 new patients every month for it to require an associate. So if you only have five new patients every month, then it would be wise to stay off dentist job listings and focus on your marketing.

A High Enough Case Acceptance Rate

Before employing the help of dental placement services, also make sure your treatment acceptance rate is high enough. According to the ADA, the treatment acceptance rate of a practice considering an associate should be at least 80%. If your rate is lower than this, then most of your patients are not completing the recommended treatments. This means it will be harder to profit from the associate you hire. So it’s a much wiser idea to first work on increasing your acceptance rate before you hire a highly qualified associate you find on Henry Schein Jobs. Other than the acceptance rate, ensure your practice is making enough money per treatment room.

Have at Least a 40% Referral Rate

A high referral rate signifies a positive customer experience. If your referral rate is not at least 40%, chances are your clients do not enjoy your services, or your patent acquisition cost is way too costly. Therefore, before you look for companies that hire dentists to look for a qualified associate on your behalf, review your referral rate first. If it’s not at least 40%, then work on finding out why clients do not recommend you to potential clientele and how you can fix the situation. For instance, if it’s a case of a negative experience, then work on improving client satisfaction strategies before you add an associate to your practice.

Ensure you have an Efficient Office System

An increased workload doesn’t necessarily mean you need an associate. It could be as a result of a messy and clunky system. Unfortunately, hiring a Henry Schein jobs applicant when your office systems are in disarray will only hinder their success. So if you meet all the above requirements, also assess your office systems and consider refining them. This way, that associate you hire from a dental personnel placement agency will have an easy time settling in, and you’ll have a smooth-sailing process adjusting to the changes of having an additional associate on board.

Physical Office Space

When you run your practice alone, you can efficiently handle three patient rooms alone. However, an ideal dental practice with two professionals should have at least two patient rooms and an additional one for overflow.